Friday, August 27, 2010

{Design} Mood Chair: Interactive furniture with embedded lighting

UK-based interdisciplinary design collaboration Aether and Hemera has designed interactive furniture called the ‘Mood Chair’ that changes colour depending on the response its sensors receive from the environment and users.

Mood Chair technically consists of partially translucent units, LEDs, embedded micro-chips and sensors. These devices react to the colours that its sensors perceive from the environment and translate them with custom software into lighting effects for the furniture.

Such responsive installations are seen as complementing the architectural space based on the idea that digital interactive fixtures will contribute to create an innovative and high-quality environment responding to the behaviour of its users. This is achieved by visually expressing the activities surrounding them.

Mood Chairs are designed to improve the legibility of a space. They can add attractiveness and enhance the experience of visitors in the identification of environments. Designers Aether and Hemera have joined forces to develop a series of products in which light can be used to add new dimensions to colour, dynamics and interactivity.

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